2015 World Watercolor Triennale – South Korea

International Branch of 2015 World Watercolor Triennale in Seoul in South Korea.

This event is held by Korean Watercolor Association, which has tradition and history for a long time in South Korea. They invited approximately 150 creative and distinctive artists from 40 country

Exhibition Date: May.16th.-Jun.15th.

Place: Hangaram Gallery, Seoul Arts Center (In May)

Place: Seoul Museum of Art, Gyunghui Palace (In June)

Thank you to the Selection Committee and to Hyunhwa Daria Roh, Promotion Committee member at International Branch of the 2015 World Watercolor Triennale, one of my pictures has been selected among the exhibited works on display at the forthcoming Triennale.

A harcos

Twelve Pearl Gates – Tizenkét Gyögy Kapu

Visitors were invited for an interactive gate opening ceremony on April 13, 18 pm at Pestszentlőrinc City City Hall Gallery …

Exhibition opened at City Hall Gallery by the title of “Twelve Pearl Gate”  on April 13. The paintings depicted a long and demanding spiritual soul journey, while very important spiritual laws and instructive moments are recognized, such as the “Gate of the Immortal Soul ..Eternal Love …Knowledge, Acceptance etc. Interactive gate opening was conducted by Catherine John Shepherd organic interior designer.

Tizenkét Gyöngy Kapu címmel nyílt kiállítás április 13-án Szikszai Sándor akvarellista képeiből a Városháza Galériában. A festmények a lélek utazásainak azokat a fontos és tanulságos pillanatait jelenítik meg, mint a gyermeki lélek halhatatlansága, az örök szerelem elérhetetlensége vagy a megvilágosodásig vezető hosszú és göröngyös út. A megnyitón interaktív tárlatvezetés keretében Jánosi-Juhász Katalin organikus belsőépítész beszélgetett az alkotóval.

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Exhibition opening Twelve Pearl Gates
Exhibition opening Twelve Pearl Gates