Aquarelle 38 x 56

IWS Leader’ Exhibition Shanghai and Zhuji
Organised by IWS Global and IWS China, 30 National IWS Leders were invited to a week long Chinese Watercolor Exhibition Tour, where two of their full size paintings were exhibited in illustrious galleries of both cities.

Mr Kong Yaw Loh, is the Founding Curator of the RE-INTERPRETATION CHINESE EUROPEAN CONTEMPORARY WATERCOLOR TRAVELLING EXHIBITION, that is promoting contemporary watercolor art across Europe and China.

International Aquarelle Diary
As the publisher curator of the diary it gives me an immerse pleasure to present this unique Watercolour Art Collections

International Budapest Mail Exhibition 2018
After the successful First International Watercolor festival I curated at Budapest in 2016, Stefanie Palace was once again
home to a special art event.
Galériák ekészült munkáimból / Recent works
....................Alkotások, melyeknek lenyomatai vagy eredetije megvásárolható (ill saját kérésre portré vagy egyéb téma festése megrendelhető).................... Original and imprint pictures are available for sale or any other subject/portraits by request.